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Proceedings :
[ HES ] [ PDS ] [ PSC ] [ PvdA ]

First European Conference
of Lesbian and Gay Socialist Groups

June 27, 1997

All over Europe there are specific lesbian and gay socialist groups as well as gays and lesbians who are active within socialist parties. There is little communication between these groups, however, and no coordination for joint intervention at European level. Moreover, socialist gay groups are unaware of the political situation of their colleagues abroad and how they operate in their own country.

During Europride Week, Homosexualites et Socialisme has therefore organized a conference which has been held in Paris on the 27th of June 1997 and to which four European Lesbian and Gay Socialist groups attented (Italy, Netherlands, Spain and France) :

The four main aims of this conference were :

Representatives were invited to give a fifteen-minute talk to introduce their own group and plan.

Lesbian and gay couples appeared to be the main topic of the four groups' action. A need for legal status was clearly affirmed eventhough the legal approach differs from one country to the other. The Netherlands, Italy and France were in favor of a universal text (including straigh and gay couples) when Spain seemed to be heading towards a specific law for lesbian and gay couples. During lunch, the representatives decided to write a Statement which would be addressed to the Prime Ministers and to the heads of the social-democrat parties of the European countries.

Participants decided as well to meet again in Barcelona in January 1998.


Homosexualités et Socialisme
BP 414, 75527 Paris Cedex 11, France
Tel : ++33 +1 43 70 89 27
email : hes@fqrd.fr
Web : https://fqrd.fr/events/97/cegsgl/