Sunday, April 24, at 12pm, France Info, a 24/24 news radio, reported that "300 to 400 homosexuals were at the Memorial. They protested against the exclusion of their associations from the remembrance organization".
1994 - Fabrice Barbier
The French government and some deportees associations don't yet recognize the homosexuals' deportation which occurred when L'Alsace and La Lorraine were annexed by Germany in 1940; the police is still instructed to prevent us to join the official ceremony. The association Mémorial de la Déportation Homosexuelle aims to remember this part of our history.
The Rage magazine was at the Memorial, with members of the socialist and green parties. The demonstration was peaceful and impressive with such a large number of homos. Last year, for the Alexis Carell demonstration, we were only 10 from RAGE, le GAGE, and "les Gays retraités" against four police buses, very funny.
Eventually, a sheaf of flowers was laid down in the crypt of the Memorial.
1994 - Fabrice Barbier
See also Illico, juin 94, p.7
Copyright Gais et Lesbiennes Branchés,
1994 -
Fabrice Barbier