FQRD Septembre 1994:
Salon de l'Homosocialité

We are please to annonce the standing of :
Gai Pied. VI Salon de l'homosocialité. Tous en scène.

This famous exhibition supressed in June by a decision of the police headquarter. The exhibition will stand "Quai de la Tournelle", in September Saturday 17 from 12h to 20h, and Sunday 18 from 12h to 17h.

The schedule of the two days is not closed, but include :

For more informations contact the organization :

	Gai Pied ETR
	45, rue Sedaine
	75557 Paris
	Tel : +33 (1) 43 57 52 05
Be pride and come to meet the GLB organizations in France.

Copyright Gais et Lesbiennes Branchés, (C) 1995
Salon de l'Homosocialité est un terme déposé propriété du groupe Gai Pied, is registred and own by the Gai Pied company.

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