the Number 100

RAGE the weekly Gay and Lesbian radio magazine broadcasted in France : Paris, Limoges and Besançon will celebrate its number 100.

The theme will be : One hundred weeks before, the Gay Pied news week disappeared, and the RAGE team, broadcasted his first magazine on FG98.2 radio. What is for you a Gay and Lesbian media

Send your answers on the "minitel" : 3615 FG "ecrire aux animateurs" choix RAGE or on the phone machine : 36 68 98 10 choice 3.

The RAGE number 100 was an exceptionnal moment with a lot of phone calls from the listeners. We organized also an evening in the bar "La Champsmelee". It is a mixed, gays and lesbians, bar. Unfortunetly, the number 100 was also the last release of the magazine. After 2 years of volontary work, it seems to us that a new team need to take over. New ideas, new energy, more time will be a mandatory for the new year.
The listeners was disapointed by that decision, and hope for a new magazine. The radio FG98.2 is organizing the transition. The sensibility concerning gay and lesbian is moving, and maybe, ideas could emerge in a more largely broadcasted radio network.
Concerning me, I will use more time for my thesys and for the France Queer Ressource Directory.
Concerning the FQRD and RAGE, I will prepare new pages about two magazines dedicated to the AIDS prevention. These pages will present a new style of messages according to the psycho-medical report of Hubert Lisandre (June 1994). These pages will contain a lot of sound tracks.

But for that one hundred number of RAGE go to the celebration :

A part of the team in front of "la Champsmélée", the rest were inside :

Copyright Gais et Lesbiennes Branchés, (C) 1995

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